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Happy Thanksgiving to Patently-O readers out there — new and old! I am grateful to you for all your kindness, trust, and support through the years. Let me know how I can help in the future!
If you are shopping for holiday gifts for the patent attorney in your life (or perhaps self-indulging), here are a few gift ideas.
I left off the one thing I’ve been thinking about – a fancy espresso machine. I am usually the first one up in my house and take a few minutes to make myself an espresso coffee. But, it is a bit of a process because I use an Italian stove-top espresso pot – a Moka Pot. After that, I usually add some almond milk and some protein powder. What do folks think about the small Breville machine? OK – after watching this video on Cleaning the Breville, my process seems much simpler, faster, and cheaper.
Law Professor at the University of Missouri School of Law. View all posts by Dennis Crouch →
I got one of these recently and it works fine–I got tired of trying to find Starbucks Espresso and Cream in our local stores. But I am not very picky. link to
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I have the Breville “the Barista Express” and really like it.
The cleaning isn’t really that big of a deal. Whoever uses it, cleans up the grounds. I have the filters setup on auto delivery (a two pack every six months), which I also do with my refrigerator filters -offset by three months- so I know when I get either the refrigerator filter or the Breville filter delivered, I need to change both of them and descale.
I also use the Italian stove-top espresso pot sometimes. They do have different tastes though! It just depends on what you want.
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The iRobot is not a safe purchase. Amazon bought iRobot to collect data defining the floor plan of your home or office, not to produce better cleaning products. There can be no assurance that this data will not be misused.
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Maybe some samples related to the previous thread (from the plaintiff, please and thank you)
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Does Sony PlayStation have Mike Tyson Punchout? That was the best game ever.
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Nope – that is Nintendo (NES). I’m not sure how to find Glass Joe anymore.
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A Jura super automatic makes excellent espresso and is fairly high maintenance, making it the perfect platform for a patent professional to demonstrate both good taste and technical wherewithal.
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Dennis Crouch Associate Professor, University of Missouri School of Law SSRN Articles Jason Rantanen Professor, University of Iowa College of Law SSRN Articles Occasional guest posts by IP practitioners and academics
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