Cheilectomy is a procedure in which your surgeon removes extra bone on the tip of a joint in your foot called your first MTP joint. It can be done through a small incision or an even less invasive method. It is used for hallux rigidus treatment or arthritis treatment and can increase movement in your toe.
You may choose a cheilectomy if you have:
Often, you will only feel a slight pain for a long time. However, it often gets worse and your movement becomes limited. At this time you should seek treatment. Your doctor will help you decide if you need a cheilectomy.
Before the procedure, a blood test will check your vitamin D levels. Your doctor will also check you for infection and take a medical history.
The surgery takes about a half-hour, but you will be in the doctor’s office for the better part of the day. You may be put to sleep with anesthesia, or may be given only a localized injection to numb your foot for surgery. Then your surgeon will make a tiny incision over the top of your big toe.
This incision will allow your surgeon to remove the excess bone that is causing you pain and that has blocked your joint. Your surgeon will close up the incision with dissolvable stitches.
Immediately after your surgery, your foot will be bandaged. The localized anesthesia will still be in effect and you won’t be able to feel your toe yet. You will then see a physical therapist who will give you padding for your shoes and advice on how to move without hurting your wound. You will usually then be discharged after you get your necessary prescriptions and make your next appointment.
During the first couple of weeks after the cheilectomy you should:
Recovery is a slow process. You will begin by wearing hospital shoes, then shift into wide shoes. You will probably be able to wear normal shoes within six weeks of your surgery. In the first two weeks, you will need to keep your toe completely dry and shower with a waterproof wound protector.
Usually, you will be able to get your toe thoroughly wet two weeks after surgery. After that point, you will also be free of bandages. However, you should not pick at your wound. If it becomes red, swollen, or sore, you should immediately seek medical help.
If you have a job with a lot of manual labor, you should plan to sit out the six weeks of your recovery. During this time you should also use extreme caution while driving. Many doctors suggest taking the full six weeks before driving.
Complications from a cheilectomy are rare during or after surgery. However, all procedures do carry some risks. The most common dangers of cheilectomies are:
London Foot & Ankle Surgery: “Hallux Rigidus - Cheilectomy.”
OrthoInfo: “Arthritis of the Foot and Ankle.”
Hint: Warming up first is crucial.
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