Tim Petrie, DPT, OCS, is a board-certified orthopedic specialist who has practiced as a physical therapist for more than a decade.
Laura Campedelli, PT, DPT, is a physical therapist with experience in hospital-based acute care and outpatient therapy with both children and adults.
Intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) is a therapy that involves inflatable sleeves, which are fitted around the legs or arms. This sleeve is attached to a machine that intermittently fills the sleeves with air to create pressure around the affected limbs and then deflates them.
This device is most commonly utilized in the hospital to stimulate blood flow and reduce the risk of blood clots when a person is less active while recovering from injury or surgery. It is also used in physical therapy (PT) to help support certain treatment protocols.
While the modality is not right for everyone, IPC can be beneficial when treating certain types of conditions. Learn how IPC works and its potential applications in PT.
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Intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) is a device that consists of a centralized air-pumping machine that is connected to a sleeve with multiple air chambers. When fitted over a limb or body region, the sleeve is inflated, causing it to squeeze or compress the areas of the body contained within.
Depending on the unit, many IPC devices can be programmed to apply different amounts of pressure to each of the compartments in order to help drain fluid or improve circulation in a region. Most machines also have preset compression cycles to maximize their effect on the targeted area.
Because of these features, IPC devices are often preferred over compressive wraps or manual therapy techniques when treating certain conditions. In addition, the devices have become much cheaper and more easily obtained, making them popular with therapists and patients alike.
IPC is not right for every patient. That said, many different diagnoses may benefit from this physical therapy modality.
Conditions that are commonly treated with this device include:
In many cases, your PT will instruct you in using your IPC machine in the therapy clinic and then issue it for long-term use at home. Some pneumatic compression units also contain a cryotherapy or icing function, which allows them to address swelling, inflammation, and pain at the same time.
IPC devices are typically utilized while you are in a seated or lying down position. Your therapist may also have you elevate the affected area to assist with fluid reduction.
After the compression sleeve has been applied to the affected limb(s), your PT will help you connect it to the air compressor and select the appropriate parameters for your diagnosis.
When the treatment begins, you will feel the compression sleeve become snug as it squeezes the targeted area. While this pressure may feel strange or even a bit uncomfortable, it should not be painful. Be sure to notify your PT if you are experiencing discomfort so they can modify the intensity accordingly.
As the treatment continues, the amount and location of the compression typically fluctuate. You may also feel changes in the intensity of the compression depending on how the fluid in the region changes.
Once the program is complete, the sleeve will fully deflate and can be removed from your body.
While IPC can provide meaningful benefits for the conditions discussed above, it is frequently not the only treatment that is utilized.
In the case of lymphedema, this modality is commonly used in physical therapy alongside manual drainage techniques, compressive wraps, and instruction on maintaining proper skin hygiene.
Similarly, physical therapists frequently employ bandages or stockings in addition to IPC when treating venous ulcers.
Finally, this treatment may be utilized in tandem with more active therapy techniques, like strengthening or stretching exercises, when treating post-surgical swelling.
IPC is a widespread and relatively safe treatment option. That said, there are several potential side effects. These include:
Some of the more significant health risks associated with this treatment are rare and tend to be associated with improper use of the device.
If you are receiving IPC, be sure to work with your physical therapist to ensure you have a proper understanding of the device prior to using it on your own.
As with any medical intervention, there are several groups of individuals who should not receive IPC. Be sure to speak to your healthcare provider or PT prior to beginning this treatment if you have any of the following conditions:
If you are uneasy about using IPC or if it is contraindicated in your specific situation, there are several feasible alternatives that may be utilized.
For instance, hands-on drainage techniques can be performed by your PT to help improve swelling or lymphedema in an area. Unfortunately, the benefits of this treatment are commonly only temporary.
In addition, compressive stockings and bandages are frequently worn over the targeted region in an effort to manage symptoms. These interventions are typically utilized on a daily basis and may need to be continued for life depending on your particular diagnosis. Your PT can provide you with specific guidance on managing your unique symptoms.
An intermittent compression therapy (IPC) device is an air-pumping machine that is attached to an inflatable sleeve. When the sleeve is fitted around a leg or arm, it can be alternatively inflated to create pressure around the extremities. It is used to stimulate blood flow and encourage fluid drainage during periods of immobility, such as during recovery from injury or surgery, and to treat certain conditions such as lymphedema and venous ulcers.
Whether you’re dealing with swelling after surgery, lymphedema, or long-term venous insufficiency, pneumatic compression may be able to improve your condition. This easy-to-use and widely available device can help reduce the symptoms you are experiencing and improve your daily function. Be sure to speak to your physician or physical therapist about whether this treatment is appropriate for you.
Cleveland Clinic. Intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) device.
Zaleska M, OlszewskiWL, Durlik M. The effectiveness of intermittent pneumatic compression in long-term therapy of lymphedema of lower limbs. Lymphatic Research and Biology.2014;12(2):103-109. doi: 10.1089%2Flrb.2013.0033
Blumberg SN, Berland T, Rockman C, et al. Pneumatic compression improves quality of life in patients with lower-extremity lymphedema. Annals of Vascular Surgery. 2016;30:40-44. doi: 10.1016/j.avsg.2015.07.004
Abdelhalim NM, SamhanAF. Influences of intermittent pneumatic compression therapy on edema and postoperative patient’s satisfaction after lipoabdominoplasty. Aesth Plast Surg.2021;45(4):1667-1674. doi: 10.1007/s00266-021-02272-w
Dolibog P, Franek A, Taradaj J, et al. A comparative clinical study on five types of compression therapy in patients with venous leg ulcers. IntJ Med Sci. 2014;11(1):34-43. doi: 10.7150/ijms.7548
Johns Hopkins Medicine. DVT prevention: intermittent pneumatic compression devices.
Holwerda SW, Trowbridge CA, Womochel KS, Keller DM. Effects of cold modality application with static and intermittent pneumatic compression on tissue temperature and systemic cardiovascular responses. Sports Health. 2013;5(1):27-33.doi: 10.1177%2F1941738112450863
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Pneumaticcompression pumps for venous insufficiency.
By Tim Petrie, DPT, OCS Tim Petrie, DPT, OCS, is a board-certified orthopedic specialist who has practiced as a physical therapist for more than a decade.
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