For all of us, a pillow is one of the most important things that ensures a good night’s sleep.
So, what happens when they start keeping us awake and not sending us off to sleep?
Sleep expert Keira Pritchard at Eachnight Mattresses has the answers as to how often you should be changing your pillow.
What type of pillow do you recommend for a good night’s sleep?
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Some people use down or bamboo pillows and others like using memory foam because of the support it offers.
But if you’re in the market for something that will last for three to five years, Dunlop latex is the best type of pillow you can get.
A latex pillow can keep its shape and structure for a long time when compared to other pillows.
How can you tell if a pillow is good quality?
Pillows are all made from different materials which is why some will last longer than others.
You can get good pillows no matter the material but if you want to be sure that your pillow will last, look for a warranty.
The best pillows will be durable and come with a company warranty of between five and ten years to back it up.
My pillow has gone yellow! What does this mean?
Once your pillow has turned yellow it’s time to replace it.
The yellowing is caused by an accumulation of sweat from daily use and even a trusty pillow protector can’t stop it.
How do I make sure my pillow lasts longer?
To keep your pillows fluffed up and doing their job, you’ll need to take care of them.
That means washing them according to the instructions on the label every few months.
Make sure your pillowcases are cleaned every week and for an extra tip, use a vacuum to clean up any dust that could have built up over time.
So how do I tell if my pillow needs replacing?
When a pillow nears the end of its life, there are three tests you can use to figure out if you’ll need a new one:
1. Fold your pillow in half. If it stays folded or takes ages to flatten out, you need to toss it.
2. Feel around for any lumps or flat sections. If it’s not firm, it needs to go.
3. Aches when you wake are another sign that your pillow needs throwing. If you’re waking up with a sore neck, it’s time to go shopping.
What if I don’t sleep with a pillow?
Usually if people sleep on their stomach, they don’t use a pillow, but this isn’t the best position to sleep in.
Without a pillow to support your head and neck, you’ll be waking up full of aches and pains from the lack of support. It might feel comfortable sometimes, but your body won’t thank you in the long term for not using a pillow.
How many pillows should I use?
You should only use one pillow to support your head and neck at night. It’s tempting to hide a flat pillow by using two, but this just won’t give you the best night’s sleep. To prevent neck pain, your pillow needs to be firm and supportive. For pains in the back and hip, a wedge or knee pillow is better and helps keep your spine in the correct alignment.
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