New World’s 1.7 “Brimstone Sands” update brings a lot of new endgame additions as well as some balance. This article covers everything you need to know about the new content and features!
This is a big one. To help save you time reading the giant patch notes, here are some of the most important and interesting new features, content and changes explained. Each of these major new features has its own dedicated guide, of course.
The Brimstone Sands is New World’s newest, and largest region so far. It draws plenty of inspiration from both Egyptian and Roman architecture. Many of the enemies share in this design by sporting armor and weapons of similar inspiration.
The Brimstone Sands features some new creatures as well as new features. You can read our guide on how to unlock Brimstone Sands, also learn everything new about it and what to do once you are there.
At the Heart of the Brimstone Sands lies The Ennead Expedition. This new expedition has you taking on the Ancients and you fight and puzzle-solve your way through these Ancient Ruins.
With new challenges come new rewards. Exploring this new expedition is bound to bring you plenty of new rewards.
It’s finally here! The long-awaited Greatsword has arrived in New World. This new weapon boasts both incredible offense and reliable defense making it a very versatile weapon. With a Stance mechanic that changes as how certain passives and skill work, it’s a solid weapon with a lot of potential.
You can learn what this weapon is capable of and a few ways to build it by reading our Greatsword Guide. This in-depth guide breaks down every passive of the weapon to help you bring out its full potential.
Ever felt like your build was missing something? Maybe mobility, perhaps defense, or just more damage. Heartrunes are a good answer to those issues. These new unique abilities can be unlocked through a quest in the Brimstone Sands area.
Our Heartrune Guide covers the steps you need to take to complete the quest to unlock this new feature. It also breaks down each rune and its upgrade paths to help you make an informed decision on which Heartrune could best fit your builds.
Runeglass Gems are a new upgrade to existing Pristine Gems. They provide an extra boost of power to every build you’d want to play, without removing the base effects of the Pristine Gems themselves. Be warned though, it’ll take skill in both Stonecutting and Weaponsmithing to successfully craft these.
You can read our Runeglass Gems Guide to learn how to craft them, and where to find the resources to do so. We even cover our preferred options for using them, so you don’t have to go into crafting them totally blind.
Golden Scarabs are a Legendary resource that can be found in the Ancient Glyph Chests spread across the Brimstone Sands. When used with a Timeless Shard, you’ll be able to select two perks of your choosing, allowing for some very high-end craft with minimal RNG.
This year’s seasonal Halloween Event has begun and lasts until November 1st! Take on Baalphazu, the marquis of Terror and his Pumpkinites all across Aeternum.
Like any seasonal event, this one carries with it a quest and many useful rewards, which include seasonal-themed weapons and armor among many other goodies.
Read the full guide to the Nightveil Hallow 2022 event to learn how to start it, how to participate, how to beat the boss, what rewards you can earn, and what things are available at the event shop.
Windsward and Monarch’s Bluffs have been revamped with new streamlined stories, new dynamic quests, New points of Interest, and improved quest flow. Just ahead of the recently announced Fresh Start Servers, where you’ll be sure to see these if you participate.
Overall the changes made to these questlines made them incredibly enjoyable and less tedious to play through. There’s way less back and forth, especially with the Yonas the hermit quests. I won’t spoil anything here, but it’s worth experiencing.
Here at we have a ton of useful New World Guides and more are being worked on. We also have all of the news and updates covered to keep you up-to-date with all things New World!
Below you can read the full official patch notes for this major update to the game, as published and revealed by AGS.
Brimstone Sands is a new zone unlike anything else in Aeternum. Roughly the size of 2.5 Everfalls, it features new enemies to fight, a new territory to control, and new stories to uncover.
Death hovers over the scorched wastes of Brimstone Sands, its thirst still unsatisfied even after centuries of strife and war. The ancient Egyptians first encountered the godlike Ancients here and built monuments and vast cities that were part of a flourishing civilization thousands of years in the past. Their civilization has long fallen to ruin, and few of those original inhabitants remain except for the mysterious sorcerer Imhotep, with whom players must work with to solve the desert’s mysteries.
The most immediate threat in Brimstone Sands is posed by the deranged remnants of the Roman Empire’s 19th Legion. What exactly befell the Romans must be discovered, but they have fallen to Corruption and now besiege the ancient ruins of a mysterious Pyramid known as Akhet. They are certain that, within, they will find the secret to their redemption and the long-awaited resurgence of the Roman Empire.
Delve into Ancient Ruins to face the vigilant Anubian Guardians and solve hieroglyphic puzzles to achieve new power.
Players will explore ancient mysteries with Imhotep, battle powerful Sand Demons, and perhaps, if they persist, restore the rightful ruler who can finally bring order and hope to the region after centuries of chaos.
We’ve completely redesigned the early levels of New World, so players who start the game or roll a new character will experience brand new stories and quests. We listened to player feedback about the starting experience in New World, and made the following changes:
Shapes in the mist! Shrieks in the night! The demon Baalphazu, Marquis of Terror, and his horde of ghoulish Pumpkinites are spreading a living nightmare across Aeternum. Aid Salvatore the Mad in his quest to banish these foul terrors and collect a bounty of limited-time Nightveil Hallow rewards. This event will run from the launch of Brimstone Sands until November 1. Characters must be level 35 or higher to start the questline.
Get ready for a new weapon — the Greatsword. This blade utilizes offensive and defensive stances. Adapt to different situations to survive in battle. Both Weapon Skill Trees feature versatile tactics for varied playstyles:
The Greatsword scales evenly with Strength and Dexterity, making it a good pair for many other martial weapons.
Adventurers can now further customize their playstyle through Heartgem Abilities:
Charge Heartgems through combat actions like dealing and taking damage, blocking hits, and healing allies. Once fully charged, players can trigger an ability. The charge resets upon use. Experiment with and upgrade each Heartgem to find a favorite.
We’ve found that Rapier was being primarily used as a pocket escape weapon which was never its intended purpose. We want players to use its mobility to gain tactical positioning in combat, not to run away. We also felt that Riposte was frustrating to fight against because it couldn’t be punished if the user made a mistake. Adding some risk to the ability (particularly when fighting multiple enemies) should help alleviate that. We’ll continue to look at the Rapier and make changes as necessary.
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